This may be a quick question, but I have been able to successfully create a Nested View, however, my client would like a third level. Essentially, I'm building a business directory and putting profiles into categories. These categories are nested. It is working perfectly except when I try to add on a 3rd level of categories, I cannot get it to work. I have come close, but when the 3rd level works, it stops displaying the 1st and 2nd level unless a 3rd level is configured.
A profile can be put in any of the 3 levels of categories so if no 3rd level is configured, the 2nd level should still be shown so that it can be linked and act as a filter. You can see the result of two levels here:
Is this possible? ... and if so, can you provide any hints at the view code?
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Yes, it's possible. Here's an example of a triple nested view:
There's a lot of custom code behind the scenes to make this work. I'm not even sure I can explain it all at this point because I'm still building in features and will be tweaking some of the custom SQL to make it more responsive.
Thanks Victor! Knowing that it is possible is helpful. I felt like I was going down a dead-end. I do believe that this can be done the "long way" having a very complex category selection method on the profiles. However, unsophisticated users will get to edit their own profiles so I'm trying to do this elegantly.
When you feel like you have it cracked, I'd be happy to talk over a fee for using your code on my site. We can trade details via DM.