Additional Cascading Lookup Field Automatic Update in Existing Entries?

By: Christopher Scherer | Asked: 07/11/2024
ForumsCategory: How-toAdditional Cascading Lookup Field Automatic Update in Existing Entries?
Christopher Scherer asked 8 months ago

I'm building an instructional site using Formidable. Form A is database of books, where each entry is a book's info, with fields for category, title, and cover image upload. Form B is a database of students, where each entry contains student info, with fields for contact information and course of study, and a repeater field of books the student is using, which is several cascading lookup fields fed by Form A. The lookup fields I originally included in the repeater were category and title. Several entries/students now exist in Form B, each including a list of several books. I recently thought it would look better to have the books' images show up in the list. So, I went back to Form B and added a hidden lookup field in the repeater to dynamically grab the upload url for each book image to be displayed in a view on the student and teacher dashboards. I noticed that the hidden url field doesn't auto-populate, which I kind of expected. Is there a way to achieve this? When there are many entries in Form B, each with a list of five to ten books, it would be an arduous task to have to edit every entry and reselect each students books just to get the the hidden url fields to populate.

1 Answers
Rob LeVineRob LeVine Staff answered 8 months ago

You (or someone else if you're not a coder) could write a one-time-run PHP program to fill in the values.

Christopher Scherer replied 8 months ago

Okay, yeah, I figured it was a bit of a long shot. I'll write the php. Thanks.

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