I'm trying to create a link in the notification email for a form that an admin can simply click the link and approve the entry submission. (So that it automatically appears in a corresponding View.)
I've tried a few different approaches, but so far none work the way I want.
I currently have a hidden checkbox field for "Approval", with 2 choices: "Pending Approval" and "Published". This seems to work to "approve" an entry, so that it then shows up in the View. But in order to change it to Published, I have to edit on the back end.
I tried using the Insert a Link to Update a Field shortcode, but it apparently doesn't work in an email.
I also toyed with trying to insert a link in the email that goes directly to a front-end editing page for that specific entry only, but couldn't discover a way to make it work.
Seems there should be an easy way to include an approval function in the notification email, but I'm not finding it.
Anyone know of a way to do this?
Mitch Williams
Spoon River College
Canton, IL
My suggestion is one of your suggestions which is to have the link go to the form in update mode. You can include a parameter in the link and have the form set the hidden field to that parameter or something similar. When you say you "I also toyed with trying to insert a link in the email that goes directly to a front-end editing page for that specific entry only, but couldn't discover a way to make it work" what did you use for the href of the link?
Do you know where I can find detailed instructions about how to link to the update mode, and how to use a parameter in this way?
As for the front-end editing, I never got that far. When I say I "toyed with it", I just meant I was searching for a way to do it--but couldn't find a solution to even try. (Couldn't figure out how to link to the correct place.)
The best way to figure out how to do the update page thing is to create a view and add an edit link to view's content. When you view the page in real-time, hold the cursor over the edit link and see what its URL is, and then use that for whatever URL you're setting up. As for parameters, you can use any URL parameter in a form or view by using [get param="...."] see here https://formidableforms.com/knowledgebase/using-dynamic-default-values-in-fields/#kb-get-a-parameter-from-the-url
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