Assign Number Field Value based on separate Field

By: Ralph Nohe | Asked: 08/22/2024
ForumsCategory: How-toAssign Number Field Value based on separate Field
Ralph Nohe asked 6 months ago

I have a radio field (field ID=142) with 3 options: 1,2 and 3.
I would like to show a number field below, which dynamically

  • displays 0 if option1 is selected, 
  • displays 77 if option2 is selected, 
  • displays 99 if option3 is selected.

Rather than using javascript or php, I would like to use a formula as found here like
([142] = 1) ? 0 : ([142] = 2) ? 77 : 99
that is inserted as the default value (calculation -> math) field setting of the number field.
Unfortunately, this returns an error ("invalid left-hand side in assignment") and doesn't work. 

2 Answers
Rob LeVineRob LeVine Staff answered 6 months ago

One issue is that you have a single equal sign rather than double, i.e, ([142] = 1) vs ([142] == 1)

Ralph Nohe answered 6 months ago

Hi Rob, thanks, this solves it:
the double equal sign works perfectly. 
Best regards, Ralph

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