In this website https://www.upstep.com/products/normal-everyday-activity-custom-orthotics
If you click on take the quiz button will be go to multiple page from have choice for the product
After finish will be add the product to the cart
How can i do same thing in Formidable ?
Use Formidable's WooCommerce add-on.
I wanna to do same exactly way in the website i attached
Its link go to multiple form page then after submit will add the product to cart with all choices
I wanna to do same exactly way in the website i attached
Its link go to multiple form page then after submit will add the product to cart with all choices
You'll have to develop custom code and use Formidable's after create entry hook to populate your eCommerce form. You're on your own for custom code unless you hire a developer. You can find competent developers here: https://formidable-masterminds.com/developers-directory/
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