Bulk delete entries from the front end

By: Helen M | Asked: 10/31/2024
ForumsCategory: How-toBulk delete entries from the front end
Helen M asked 4 months ago

Hi there,
Does anyone know if it's possible for a user to bulk delete all their form entries from the front end? Perhaps using a link or doing an action that will trigger a bulk delete. Just wanted to know if it's possible really.

1 Answers
Victor Font Staff answered 4 months ago

Possible? Yes, with custom code. Formidable does not provide a REST endpoint for deleting any entry, let alone all entries probably because it's a cybersecurity risk. To accomplish what you want, you would have to create a custom REST endpoint and make sure you built in ample security to prevent unauthorized users from deleting all of your data. As a developer, I would not accept a project like this because of the inherent vulnerabilities and risk of data loss.

Helen M replied 4 months ago

Thank you Victor. That's just what I needed to know. Helen

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