Apologies for a basic question. Does formidable forms provide the ability to message listing owners out of the box? I would like to give both logged in and not-logged in users the ability to message the listing owner, instead of having a listing owner include their contact information in the listing. Essentially, I would have a pop-up input form based on a button on the listing that says "Contact Owner", then the form would pop-up with:
Your Name
Your email
Message Input
Submit Button
Then the message would originate from the site and email the owner directly with the contact information from the submitter (name / email) and the message. Any ideas on how to do this?
Unless I'm misinterpreting your situation, that's fundamental contact form behavior. In the notification settings you set the TO and the FROM to whatever you want. The visitor's logged-in status is not relevant. In your case, you'd have to set up a hidden field to hold the owner ID or email address of the email target.
Thank you Rob. I appreciate your quick response. I think I found the capability. I think the contact listing owner form. I’m not so familiar with the correct terminology and took me minute to find this one. But looks correct based on the description. Thanks again Rob! Appreciate it.
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