I have two fields: Toggle and Options.
The toggle has 'yes' or 'no'.
The options has three options with values:
Now I would like to create a math calculation:
Display normal option values BUT when user switch Toggle to 'yes' add +20|30|50 to options values.
User leaves Toggle and click Prestige: result 200
User click Toggle and click Prestige: result 230
I have premium version. Please help :(
One way to do it is to have two radio options, one with 100,200,300 and another with 120,230,350 and use the conditional logic to hide/show based on the value of the toggle. You'll then likely have to have a hidden field for the chosen option value and use the frm_after_create_entry hook and set the chosen option into that value and that becomes the value you use for any further calculations or reports.
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