I have a view that displays a graph of a Top 10 ranking of fishing charter guides. In the form where these guides are listed is also a State field. I'd like to display the state along with the guide name. Is there any way to do this?
The labels usually look like this:
My Fishing Guide - Captain John Doe
I'd like it to display:
[SC] My Fishing Guide - Captain John Doe
I've seen this implemented as tooltips where you hover your mouse over a label and the additional information is shown in a little popup window. Chart labels themselves are succinct and don't lend themselves to displaying a lot of details. I know that tooltips are possible with Chart.js, but I don't know if you can do this with the Google charts that Formidable generates. Figuring this out requires having someone looking into Formidable's source code. If you're comfortable doing that, you're looking for any clue that indicates you can use tooltips with Google charts.
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