I want a checkbox field the visitor will use to signify acceptance of my Privacy Policy. It is very important that this checkbox be UN-checked by default, so the visitor must take action to signal acceptance before sending their message to me.
In setting up the form, I leave the box unchecked, as shown in the first attachment.
But once I click to Update the form, the check is automatically added. And when I look at the form in the UI, it is there too.
I have tried clearing my website cache. I\'ve also tried deleting the field and adding a new checkbox. Nothing I\'ve tried prevents this from happening.
If you have an answer to this, please be very specific on the steps I need to take to fix it. I am a non-techie whose developer flaked out, and I\'m putting the website together myself. So please don\'t assume I have knowledge at your level.
I ran into the exact same issue a few days ago - I needed users to confirm they read the subscription terms.
I had it set up with an html field with the terms and a checkbox next to it. I did not need a label next to the checkbox, so I left that empty.
Ends up, if you leave it empty, it is automatically checked. That was the answer I got from FF support.
I added "I confirm" and now it defaults to unchecked,
Awesome! That was the right answer! Thank you, Chris.
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A link to the page would help. Also, there are no attachments on the post.