Checkboxes' entries transferred from one form to another

By: Dr Smerek | Asked: 06/22/2023
ForumsCategory: How-toCheckboxes' entries transferred from one form to another
Dr Smerek asked 2 years ago

Hi community!

Could any of you please help me with the following problem.

What is the issue?

I have two forms: FORM1 and FORM2.

Each of them consists of 3 fields: NAME field, CHECKBOXES field and RADIOBUTTONS field.

I also have a third form (FORM3) into which the entries from FORM1 or FORM2 fall, depending on which one is filled out.

FORM3 also consists of the same fields as the other two. FORM3 is only used to have the entries from the first two forms transferred into it.

This is how the forms are structured

a) FORM1 - to be filled out by someone on the website

Field NAME1 - ID 001

Field CHECKBOXES1 - ID 002 - Options: AAA, BBB, CCC

Field RADIOBUTTONS1 - ID 003 - Options: 111, 222, 333

After clicking Submit button, the data entered is transferred to FORM3 via the link[key].

b) FORM2 - to be filled out by someone on the website

Field NAME2 - ID 007

Field CHECKBOXES2 - ID 008 - Options: AAA, BBB, CCC

Field RADIOBUTTONS2 - ID 009 - Options: 111, 222, 333

After clicking Submit button, the data entered is transferred to FORM3 via the link[key].

c) FORM3 - to collect answers from FORM1 or from FORM2

Field NAME3 - ID 013 – Deafult Value: [frm-field-value field_id=001 entry="confirm"][frm-field-value field_id=007 entry="confirm"]

Field CHECKBOXES3 - ID 014 - Options: AAA, BBB, CCC - Deafult Value: [frm-field-value field_id=002 entry="confirm"][frm-field-value field_id=008 entry="confirm"]

Field RADIOBUTTONS3 - ID 015 - Options: 111, 222, 333 - Deafult Value: [frm-field-value field_id=003 entry="confirm"][frm-field-value field_id=009 entry="confirm"]

The transfer of the entries is done correctly and without problems for the NAME and RADIOBUTTONS fields from both forms (FORM1 and FORM2). Unfortunately for the CHECKBOXES fields it does not want to work correctly. Despite the shortcode used in FORM3, nothing appears in the CHECKBOXES3 field after selecting all or any AAA, BBB, CCC options in FORM1 or FORM2.

My question is:

What should the shortcode for the CHECKBOXES3 field in FORM3 look like to make the selected options in FORM1 or FORM2 appear here?

I would appreciate a precise answer.

I hope I also described my problem very precisely.

I look forward to any help.

Warm greetings,


1 Answers
Dr Smerek answered 2 years ago

...after many tests, I discovered to my surprise that the reason for this may lie in the order in which the shortcodes are placed in Advanced>Default Value for the CHECKBOXES3 field.  ///Check this out: In the CHECKBOXES3 - ID 014 field in FORM3, I have specified -> Deafult Value: [frm-field-value field_id=002 entry="confirm"][frm-field-value field_id=008 entry="confirm"]   /// when I fill out FORM1 (containing field ID 002) then nothing appears in FORM3 in field CHECKBOXES3 - ID 014. However, when I fill out FORM2 (containing field ID 008) then the checked options in field CHECKBOXES2 appear in FORM3 in field CHECKBOXES3 - ID 014!  ///  I swapped the order in the CHECKBOXES3 field - ID 014 in FORM3. Now I have specified: Deafult Value: [frm-field-value field_id=008 entry="confirm"][frm-field-value field_id=002 entry="confirm"]. Notice that now field_id=008 is first in the order. Previously, field_id=002 was first /// when I now fill in FORM1 (containing field ID 002) then in FORM3 in field CHECKBOXES3 - ID 014 the options I checked in FORM1 in field CHECKBOXES1 appear! However, when I fill out FORM2 (containing field ID 008) then in FORM3 in the CHECKBOXES3 - ID 014 field nothing apperas, nothing what I've checked in the CHECKBOXES2!  /// So it follows that the location of shordcodes in Default Value matters. When using this solution, the Formidable Forms mechanism always selects the last in the row shortcode and completes the data only for its parameters. The others are skipped.   ///  Do you have any advice? I will ask a couple of questions to be well understood but the point is the same:   ///  What to do to make sure that no shortcodes are skipped? How do I enter shortcodes into the Default Value field for CHECKBOXES3 to make it work properly? What to do to make every shortcode in field ID14 read. So that whether you fill out FORM1 or FORM2 the options selected in the Checkboxes of the first two forms will always appear in FORM3?   ///  I would appreciate your help.   ///  smerek          

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