Conditional Logic for Required filled or Not Required field. I don't want show and hide function.

By: david hsiung | Asked: 09/12/2024
ForumsCategory: How-toConditional Logic for Required filled or Not Required field. I don't want show and hide function.
david hsiung asked 5 months ago

Hi Guys,
I am trying to set a conditional logic that will set a text field as a required field (Must Fill) or not as a required field (Not Must Fill) base on a dropdown value.
I searched online, but all solutions are pointing me to show and hide option which I don't want.
I thought the Condiitonal Logic will have an action option for "Set Required or Set Not Required" instead I only have "Show this field and Not show this field" options.
I have Formidable Pro version. Is there any add on that I will have to add in order to have the action options?
Can anyone help? Thank you!!

1 Answers
Rob LeVineRob LeVine Staff answered 5 months ago

You can tailor this example to your needs. It will allow you to make a field conditionally required. If you also want the red asterisk (*) to come and go, you'll have to use jQuery.

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