Hi! I am trying to figure out a way to conditionally change the background of an entry in a grid. So entries that meet a criteria are styled differently from the rest.
I tried looking at some css examples and the documentation but couldn't figure it out. Thanks for any help!
One approach is to use jQuery to attach a CSS class to the content when the criteria is met.
Thank you. Unfortunately, I'm not a developer and am unsure how to do that.
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The simplest built-in way would be to build a conditional div with inline styling within the grid element. Maybe something like:
Thank you. I tried the first suggestion but it only colors the background of the specific text, not the entire entry/layout. I also found a way to do change a "box" in the layout, but still not the whole entry. The layout has several "boxes" in it.
That is correct. The solutions mentioned is limited. Unfortunately, for the result I expect you desire is where you will need custom code and jQuery.
Alright. Thanks for your help!
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Can you provide a more detailed explanation with example criteria and maybe some images?
Yes, and thank you. The criteria would be determined by a field from a dropdown. I'll attach an image of the entries in a grid. I'm wanting to make an entry appear different (background and border color) than the other entries when it meets a certain criteria.