On my form I have 20 pages. I'd like to create a button that links to page 1 . I will duplicate this button to be on every page except page 1. can someone help me with this?
I was able to fix this by copying the input from the root line.. like this:
<input type="button" value="1" data-page="48" class="frm_page_back frm_page_1" formnovalidate="formnovalidate" data-field="0" aria-label="Setup">
you can change the button text by changing value="1" -- e.g. value="Change Status"
Can you use a root line?
We have a progress bar, but the problem is that it is confusing to the user as to where they need to go.
Basically, What this button will do is say "change status," that will take them to page 1 so they can change from "draft" to "final"
We have tried to have them use the root line, but it is causing confusion, and they aren't changing the status when the form is complete.
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