Create entry after payment

By: Michael Liotta | Asked: 01/04/2024
ForumsCategory: How-toCreate entry after payment
Michael Liotta asked 1 year ago

I am using the PayPal plugin on a form to buy tickets. Right now if someone completes the form and hits Submit the entry is created before it is processed by PayPal. If the payment is aborted the entry remains showing the number of tickets ordered and total payment. I have the plugin set to change these fields to zero if PayPal returns a payment status of failed but it does not work if the payment process is not completed. Is their a way to have the entry created only after a PayPal payment is successfully completed? 

1 Answers
Rob LeVineRob LeVine Staff answered 1 year ago

In your case, there is no way to create the entry other than when the user submits the Formidable form. However, you can create a Payment Status field in your form, make it visible only to admins and update the field's status when the payment is completed using this method. You can then adjust your views to key off the status.

Michael Liotta replied 1 year ago

Thanks Rob. I have already tried that but that does not update the number of tickets field and total payment field. It means then that every entry has to be manually checked to see if they are paid for or not. If there was a way to update those fields automatically based on the returned payment status then that would also solve the problem.

Michael Liotta replied 1 year ago

Thanks Rob. I have already tried that but that does not update the number of tickets field and total payment field. It means then that every entry has to be manually checked to see if they are paid for or not. If there was a way to update those fields automatically based on the returned payment status then that would also solve the problem.

Rob LeVineRob LeVine Staff replied 1 year ago

Why are the number of tickets and total payment field part of the form? I would've thought you'd have a view that counts the entries and adds up the money. If you do it that way you can easily filter on the entries that have been successfully paid.

Rob LeVineRob LeVine Staff replied 1 year ago

Why are the number of tickets and total payment field part of the form? I would've thought you'd have a view that counts the entries and adds up the money. If you do it that way you can easily filter on the entries that have been successfully paid.

Michael Liotta replied 1 year ago

You are right. That's an approach I had not considered. Normally we would just export an excel spreadsheet for the person handling these events. Thanks Rob.

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