Date Format in Email Notification

By: Toby O | Asked: 01/31/2024
ForumsCategory: How-toDate Format in Email Notification
Toby O asked 8 months ago

Hi, I've changed the date format in the global settings to DD/MM/YYYY, however in the email I receive from the form, the format is still Month-Day-Year. Are there any additional settings to change to get the correct format? Thanks.  

3 Answers
Rob LeVineRob LeVine answered 8 months ago
Have you tried this in your email notification body?
Toby O replied 8 months ago

Yeah I've tried that, not sure whether that shortcode is deprecated but my email body contains '[default-message][x format="d/m/Y"]' those two shortcodes. The default message is displayed correctly but it just displays the [x format="d/m/Y"] shortcode as plain text in the email.

Same thing happened when I tried to paste that as a default value in the date field. Anything i'm doing wrong?

Rob LeVineRob LeVine replied 8 months ago

It worked fine for me in the same scenario. Make sure you follow the directions, "Replace x with the field ID or key of the Date field."

Toby O replied 8 months ago

Forgot to do that and now it's displaying the value correctly from the shortcode (but after the form data which is expected) thanks! However this isn't quite exactly what I'd like, the value from the date field in the form still displays as the wrong format.

I've attached a screenshot for reference.

Toby O answered 8 months ago
Email Notification
Rob LeVineRob LeVine answered 8 months ago
That's because you haven't altered the default message. Go into the Message field, clear out everything in it, click the ... in the upper right corner of the Message field, click on the Advanced tab and scroll down to select "Default HTML" and give it a second to fill in the field. Then find your field in the HTML and make the same change using the format attribute.
Toby O replied 8 months ago

This has solved it, thanks for the help

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