You can make some of the "subfields" of the address field required (or remove the requirement) using the frm_validate_field_entry hook. If the past I've done something like the following (which removes the requirement from the line 1, line 2, state and zip fields) :
add_filter('frm_validate_field_entry', 'your_method_name, 10, 4); function your_method_name($errors, $posted_field, $posted_value, $args) { $addressFieldId = ???; // put your field id here if ($posted_field->id == $addressFieldId) { unset($errors['field' . $posted_field->id]); unset($errors['field' . $posted_field->id . '-line1']); unset($errors['field' . $posted_field->id . '-line2']); unset($errors['field' . $posted_field->id . '-state']); unset($errors['field' . $posted_field->id . '-zip']); } }
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