I am about to do a form in which I'd like the data to be exported to PowerBi. PowerBi can take CSV files, but it can also take data from a weblink.
Thanks in advance.
Many thanks
Thank Victor - number 1 it is as PowerBi has an API.
Glad to hear. If you've never setup a raw JSON API before, it can be a little tricky to set certain formats correctly as the PowerBi API may need to receive them. When I do this type of project, I get the API working in Postman first. Postman is an API development tool. Once Postman returns a successful RESPONSE from the API, I know the JSON works. The JSON can then be copy and pasted into the Formidable API add-on and the fake data you used for testing is replaced by field shortcodes.
JSON can be very tricky to code and troubleshoot without a tool that alerts you to coding errors as you type. Visual Studio Code is very good with this when you have their JSON tools installed. BTW, JSON is how Full Site Editing themes are created for WordPress/Gutenberg these days.
Another recommendation is to install the Formidable logs add-on. This captures JSON API communications and helps greatly to troubleshoot issues when configuring Formidable data to match the receiving systems required format. JSON API communications are REQUEST/RESPONSE based.
When troubleshooting API errors, the alternative to logging the API's JSON REQUEST/RESPONSE is to use the network tab in your browser's developer tools. It can be complicated even if you've done it before. Logging makes troubleshooting much easier.
If you need help with development, please visit the Formidable Masterminds Developers Directory at https://formidable-masterminds.com/developers-directory/.
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