I'm trying to hide some specific fields of a specific form when editing programmatically, because some times formidable onditional logic does't work when editing entries with a modal. While conditions are working when submitting an entry, these are not working because of this https://formidableforms.com/knowledgebase/publish-a-form/#kb-limitations (publish the same form multiple times on a single page). This is the answer of the official support.
So, because I'd like to use modal for editing specific fields, I try to find a way to have these condition with php.
This function is a good start https://formidableforms.com/knowledgebase/frm_field_type/#kb-hide-a-field-when-editing, it is working in general (fields are hidden) but I'd like to check values before hiding. So, how can I edit this function to get entry_id? The form id is know, but entries?
Thank you!
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