How Can I Make Content Only Visible to Specific Users?

By: Shelley Finch | Asked: 11/16/2022
ForumsCategory: How-toHow Can I Make Content Only Visible to Specific Users?
Shelley Finch asked 2 years ago

I need to create a page on a businesses website inwhich to embed a PowerBI report code so specific clients can login and see JUST their page and report.

I have read through these instructions but I honestly can't figure out how to place the embed code:

I don't need anyone to fill in a form or submit information. I just need to restrict them to only being able to view a specific page or "view".

Please help!

Bobby Clapp Staff replied 2 years ago

If you just need a page that is hidden behind "membership", then that is what you need to look for. As with the post linked below in Rob's reply, I suggest the "Members" plugin.

With the shortcode linked, you can wrap your embed and identify a specific user. There will be some manual work on your end for sure to get it all set up.

1 Answers
Rob LeVineRob LeVine Staff answered 2 years ago

This other post might help.

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