I am setting up a registration for an event in which one person can register several people. I am doing a repeatable field for each person registering. I want populate the form with a .csv file of dozens of other people who of have already registered from another source. How can upload a .csv to child form?
Here is the registration form I have now using formidable forms. https://coloradotrombonefestival.com/ctf25-registration/
The best way to see how it works is the set up a form with a repeater, create an entry filling in multiple repeater rows and then export it. That's the format of your import file.
I've done this for a client. It's complicated. When you export a CSV file from a form that includes a repeater, Formidable creates a file that could have a variable number of columns each time because of the number of rows in the repeater. For example, if I have a form with a text field and a repeater and the repeater has two fields r1 and r2, if an entry has 1 repeater row, the csv will be text, r1, r2. Now if I have three rows in the next entry, the CSV will be text, r1, r2, r1, r2, r1, r2.
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