How to get table View to show percentage of radio button (Yes/No) responses from form?

By: Pietro Vassallo | Asked: 02/23/2023
ForumsCategory: How-toHow to get table View to show percentage of radio button (Yes/No) responses from form?
Pietro Vassallo asked 2 years ago

we have bought Formidable Forms for our website. I have created a form where participants will submit radio button/checkbox answers to a number of questions, mainly Yes/No.
I have created a table view on the website to show results from all the entry submissions. However it shows me a list of Yes and No in each row. I want it to show me a percentage % Yes and % No for each submission for each question - how do I do this? There are some questions that have more radio button answers than just Yes/No, so I would want percentages for those too.
Many thanks!

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