How to link to a Section Field

By: Chad Meinertz | Asked: 09/06/2022
ForumsCategory: How-toHow to link to a Section Field
Chad Meinertz asked 2 years ago
I want to create hyperlinks to a section of my form.  Can I link to a section field?
1 Answers
Best Answer
Bobby Clapp answered 2 years ago
Sure. Use the form field container ID that you want to go to. Use the web browser developer tools to inspect the different elements. Should look something like: #frm_field_94_container (94 here is the field ID)
Chad Meinertz replied 2 years ago

Thanks Bobby! That worked.

Mo Adam replied 2 years ago

Can you share the complete link as example for me, this look really interesting.

Chad Meinertz replied 2 years ago

<a href="#frm_field_94_container">Section Field</a>
where "94" is the id of the Section Field in your form.

Mo Adam replied 2 years ago

Thanks a lot

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