Hey everyone,
I'm probably doing something wrong here.. But does anyone know how to set the default tab state of the Rich Text field to default to, umm, the Rich Text mode (instead of plain text mode) per field?
Setting default states for form fields seems relatively straightforward for every other field, but I can't seem to find an option to set the default tab to Rich Text.
In the default value click visual and save
Shawn, you'd think that's how it works, but alas - it doesn't. In the latest version of Formidable Forms, it doesn't matter what you select, the default is always Plain Text in the frontend.
If you create a form, add two Rich Text fields. Put some default "bold" text in them. Set one of them to Rich Text, the other to Plain Text. Click "Update" on your form and then preview in your front end. For me, it still displays plain text, every time.
For fun I took a stab at it and the behavior is cray-cray. Sometimes the click to default works and sometimes it doesn't. The weirdest was that I put Query in the form to click Visual or Text buttons when the first is first displayed. Even though the click is registered, the tabs don't change. I suggest putting together a test case and sending it to Strategy 11 (Formidable tech support).
Thanks for confirming the behaviour for me Rob. Yes, I also noticed it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't (more often doesn't). I'll drop S11 a line with a link to this post. I'm sure it's something super basic that slipped through the cracks during testing.