Limit CheckboxRadio Field Selections

By: Michael Clark | Asked: 08/01/2022
ForumsCategory: How-toLimit CheckboxRadio Field Selections
Michael ClarkMichael Clark asked 3 years ago

How can I limit form entries for certain types of values in a form?
Or better yet, how can I limit the number of times a value in a checkbox list is selected?
I want item one to be selected only twice, item two in the checkboxes to be selected only once, etc.
Some magical alchemical blend between hidden fields and Ajax? Is it possible to not use Ajax and just use hidden fields and field calculations?
Is it possible that I just create a two form scenario where form A has the values that the checkboxes in form B populates in a lookup to watch for a default value, set a hidden field to be the value watched for, do an after-create-entry or an API action to update form A?
I'm thinking a lookup checkbox is the way to go.. just having a hard time penciling it out. Cobwebs. Coffee has failed to clear the fog this morning. 🤓

1 Answers
Best Answer
Bobby Clapp Staff answered 3 years ago

Maybe this

Michael ClarkMichael Clark replied 3 years ago

Thanks, Bobby! I think that may be *exactly* what I'm looking for. I'm going to have make multiple actions (since almost all of the examples are for single fields, which may be a significant performance issue, but it's work a shot. I'm nowhere near proficient enough to create the arrays of fields to be watched, but it's a great start.

Much appreciated.

It'd be a great productivity enhancement if - when configuring settings and options for lookups and dynamic fields - Elite versions of Formidable Pro had some even more advanced features like the ability to introspect lookups in the editor and set stuff like this. "Limit selections based on quantity field in source form.." or just a simple additional column in standard checkboxes and radios, per entry, "Quantity". 🙂

Bobby Clapp Staff replied 3 years ago

Sure. I agree that there are "useability" updates the plugin could take related to fields like this. Not my call though. 😉

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