7 years of Formidable and this is my first foray into Drafts :). I see that each user can only have one draft at a time, which is problematic for me. I see that Formidable offers a way of doing "multiple drafts" but I don't see how that will work for my case. I have a rather long form that has a LOT of required fields and I would like to allow user to save their entry with required fields not filled in. I'm thinking of a couple of convoluted ideas and am hoping someone has a tried and true solution.
The only way I know how to do this is to use default values that will pass the required check or disable/enable the required flag programmatically as needed.
I came up with a possible solution, though I don't love it.
1. Make sure none of the fields are required.
2. Added a required droplist with the options "Draft" and "Final" (or whatever terminology you want)
3. Use frm_validate_field_entry to check the value of the droplist in step #2 and if it's "Final", throw an error for each field that you want to be required and doesn't have a value. In my case, I'm going to an absolute crapload of fields to put in that filter, but, in theory, it'll address the problem. Can I say how much I don't like it though?
Update: I dove a little deeper and came up with a much better solution and wrote a tutorial for it.
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