Nested view on lookup-checkbox

By: Uwe Schmidt | Asked: 11/20/2024
ForumsCategory: How-toNested view on lookup-checkbox
Uwe Schmidt asked 3 months ago

is it possible to create a nested view where the linked field is a checkbox lookup field (multiple selections possible)?
I tried with [display-frm-data id=x pass_field="[y]"] in the parent view and a filter condition "contains" in the child view. But the child sections shows no entries...

1 Answers
Victor Font Staff answered 3 months ago

Formidable stores multiple checkbox values as a serialized array. You cannot use a serialized array value in a query. The values need to be unserialized before they can be used to filter a query. This means custom code executed through the frm_view_order hook. You need to write your own query. Look at the video I just posted about understanding the Formidable Forms metadata schema so you can see how values are stored in the database.

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