SKIP Unapplicable Pages Based on Conditional Logic in Multi-Form

By: Rex AZ | Asked: 04/20/2024
ForumsCategory: How-toSKIP Unapplicable Pages Based on Conditional Logic in Multi-Form
Rex AZRex AZ asked 11 months ago

I am using page breaks for formidable forms Pro to split my form fields into multiple pages. I am also using conditional logic to show or hide fields depending on the value of a previous field(s). Now I understand how page breaks and multi-parts of a form works, thanks to Victor for his simple explanation.
Based on the above, when I choose an outcome that does not require fields to be displayed and I click the next button, it moves me to the next page that does not concern me, but shows me a blank page with only next and previous buttons available (indicating that the conditional logic is taking effect)
However, that is not what I want to achieve.

How do skip the pages/stages that does not apply and go straight to the page/step that applies to a user when he clicks the next button after selecting a value that differs in outcome from another user who is expecting to see some fields displayed for him when he clicks next?

I do not know if my explanation makes sense. But simply, see the algo of what i want to achieve below:

1. Choose/Enter value
2. If value = A, GOTO 5 else Goto 3
3. Form fields for Value that is not A
4. Form Fields for Value that is still not A
5. Form Fields for value that is A
6. End

3 Answers
Best Answer
Bobby Clapp Staff answered 11 months ago

Additionally, page break fields themselves have conditional logic. Maybe if all the fields equal or do not equal a certain value, the page break isn't shown?

Rex AZRex AZ replied 11 months ago

This was what I actually did and go it to work...

Thanks for your contributions though.

Rob LeVineRob LeVine Staff answered 11 months ago

While I don't recall having done this yet, I imagine you could just jQuery/JS to do this. Take a look at the buttons/icons used on the rootline to get an idea of what values are needed. e.g.,

Rex AZRex AZ replied 11 months ago

Not a fan of jQuery/JS.

Thanks Rob.

Cody Laplante answered 9 months ago

Did you ever get this to work? If so, how? I have the same question. You explained it perfectly! But just for thoroughness, I'll ask my specific question. I'm trying to skip multiple pages based on values in specific fields. For example
if Question 1 == "a": Skip to Page 3
elseif Question 1 == "b": Skip to page 10
else: continue to next page.
Currently, it looks like the only conditional logic available on page breaks is "skip next page if..." or "don't skip next page if..." This works if skipping only one page but when skipping multiple, it will still route the user two pages away instead of jumping to a specific page.

Bobby Clapp Staff replied 8 months ago

The best you can do is with default functionality is hide/show fields based on conditions. You'll have to do that for each and every field with somewhat complex conditional logic. Otherwise you're looking at jquery/js and custom programming.

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