I’m looking for pointers or starter code to help get me on my way. Happy to trade time on WP and/or Formidable projects if anyone is interested. Here’s my simple need:
I need to style lookup and dynamic checkboxes and radios as buttons. I already have the custom styling for them once they’re buttonified. Like how you can do in the form editor for standard checkboxes and radios.
Any takers? Anyone have specific pointers on how to target these particular elements? Grateful for the assistance.
If you are trying to achieve what's being done in this example, it's purely handled with CSS:
Noted. Thanks, Victor. What I'm struggling with is that Dyanmic checkboxes and radios are referenced differently than the standard ones. So I'm wondering if anyone has been successful in targeting those specific elements in their custom CSS. Now, that I'm *completely spoiled* by your field key utility, I'm thirsting for a similar utility that lists all of the standard and dynamic field types with their associated CSS classes and a simple note field on how to target:
Dynamic > Checkbox - .frm_dynamic_whoozawhatsit. ...
It's not recent, but this will get you close. https://www.techmavenconsulting.com/2015/05/26/formidablepro-fancy-radiocheckbox-buttons/
Quickly, if I add:
.with_frm_style .frm_radio input[type="radio"], .with_frm_style .frm_checkbox input[type="checkbox"], .with_frm_style .frm_checkbox input[type="checkbox"] {
display: none !important;
This appears to fix the issue. It's likely some of my existing code needs reworked and the above would not be needed.
Nice. thanks, Bobby. I'm wondering if this works on *dynamic* checkboxes? Have you tried it out on those? It's be *really* great if, in the editor, when you select a dynamic field and set it's field type to either checkbox or radio that another panel appeared there with the exact same options as standard checkboxes and radios.
I'm going to fire up my formidable forms lab and poke around some more. Before I get in trouble in a production site. 😛
I don't know that. I believe it would.
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