Trouble with creating a view that shows count of specific question answer choices

By: Natalya Lozovaya | Asked: 01/03/2024
ForumsCategory: How-toTrouble with creating a view that shows count of specific question answer choices
Natalya Lozovaya asked 1 year ago

Hello! I have a very simple form - that asks one question and has a radio button for 'response 1', 'response 2', and 'response 3'. Its ID is 6. 
I'm trying to set up a view that shows number of people who have chosen each response.
e.g. - 1 person has chosen response 1, 3 people have chosen response 2, etc. 
I've set up a table view, and for the column where I want the number to display I'm entering the following.
[frm-stats id=6 type=count value="response 1"]
I have added some dummy form responses, so there's data there, but it just shows 0 no matter what I do.
Am I missing something obvious? 

1 Answers
Rob LeVineRob LeVine Staff answered 1 year ago

I just tried a simple example of what you're trying to do and it works as expected, so, as the mostly unhelpful statement goes, "It's something else." Maybe there's a filter on your view that's limiting the entries?

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