Call external API before saving to Google Sheets

By: Jonathan Schulte | Asked: 02/02/2023
ForumsCategory: Paid Help WantedCall external API before saving to Google Sheets
Jonathan Schulte asked 2 years ago

We are using the Formidable Forms plugin with the Google Sheets addon and we would like to add a hook before the entries are sent to Google Sheets.
Our goal is to call an external API to retrieve additional data and then write this data in the hidden fields of the entry before it is sent to Google Sheets.

We have attempted to use the "frm_after_create_entry" hook, but due to the 1-minute delay in the API call, the user is forced to wait before being redirected to the "success-page."

Is there a solution that would allow us to continue using the Google Sheets addon while also incorporating the external API call? T
he only solution we have come up with is to create a cron job to retrieve new entries, call the external API, and then send the entries to Google Sheets, but this requires a lot of coding and we would prefer to avoid it if possible.
Thank you for your assistance!

1 Answers
Martin Splinter answered 2 years ago

maybe a totally dumb answer, but u could perform the magic externally, like on zapier.

On submit sent the date to zapier (or comparable), make the api request and add the date, sent the data to google sheets

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