I have a form, which is used for adding entries. database has a view to display all of the entries. Not all entries are relevant to all users.
I want the user to be able to Serch & Display Database Entry Via a simple Search form either by \"Product Serial Number\" or \"Vehcle Registranion Number\" field and be able to display relevent data (not all the entries).
Application Name Spartan PPF
I need help on displaying only entry displayed against searched \"Product Serial Number\"or \"Vehcle Registranion Number\"
Have you followed these instructions? https://formidableforms.com/knowledgebase/create-custom-search-form/
<p>Thanks a lot for your prompt reply</p><p> </p><p>Yes I have....but doesn't work for me somehow... will give a try once again from the scratch....</p>
If you can't get the view filter working as expected, it could be an data related issue. It would be helpful to understand your design. Also, make certain the fields you are searching for actually hold data. Formidable does not store data for empty fields.
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