Custom mortgage calculator

By: Did Mad | Asked: 01/25/2024
ForumsCategory: Paid Help WantedCustom mortgage calculator
Did Mad asked 1 year ago

I need help to build a custom mortgage calculator. Solid skills needed. I will show the form to replicate in private.
Best regards.

2 Answers
Victor Font Staff answered 1 year ago

Is there any reason why you can't start with the Advanced Mortgage calculator that you can download for free?

Did Mad replied 1 year ago

the reason is the following. I want a replica of the mortgage calculator on the following page:,5&types=2,1&natures=1,2,4&places=%5B{%22inseeCodes%22:[750116]}]&enterprise=0&qsVersion=1.0&m=search_to_detail&lv=L

Victor Font Staff replied 1 year ago

I just tried the link and am getting weird validation errors. I'm not going to click through to find out what lies in wait on the other side.

It's mysterious that you post in a public community forum and say in your post "I will show the form to replicate in private."

If you intend to engage the help of any of the great developers that answer questions here as volunteers, then please post your requirements to inform the Formidable Community. Everyone that comes is interested in what other people are designing.

A mortgage calculator is always a mortgage calculator because there's only one formula that works to calculate payments and interest. They all do the same thing. The differentiation is look and feel that Formidable does very well. Have you seen the new chart block they released for block themes? It's really nice and well done! Kudos to the developers that put the work into it.

Without seeing what's on the other side of the link, I have no idea about the visual conception, but I say confidently that it is something that can be done with Formidable. The look and feel of the form is in your hands to modify as needed, even to use variables for use in JavaScript/jQuery.

If you need a developer's help and are willing to engage in a project, then please see the Formidable Masterminds Developers Directory.

Sandra ClarkanSandra Clarkan answered 4 months ago

If you're diving into custom mortgage calculators, that’s a smart move. They can help you see how different loan terms and interest rates play out in real life. It’s like having a personal assistant for your finances! I recently checked out Lead Gen Calculators for Financial Advisors, and they’ve got some solid options that let you tailor the numbers to your specific situation. I found it super easy to input my info and see how rate changes would affect my monthly payments. It opened my eyes to what I could afford. Plus, it’s just nice to have that clarity. It takes the guesswork out of it. 

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