I am in the printing industry and want help to get started with some calculators. Customer can choose different amounts of capses + different printing options, Some challanges I have is:
Everything you want to do is possible with Formidable, but it's all custom code. Price levels and printing technique modifiers can be stored in lookup tables and used dynamically. For multiple currencies, you need to subscribe to a service that provides an API to feed new exchange values on demand through Ajax or WordPress HTTP REQUEST. Downloading and uploading CSVs is built into Formidable's back end, but the thing you need to know is that uploading is an additive process. It does not allow for bulk editing. You would have to delete all the records from the table first before you can upload the changed records. If you make a mistake without a backup, you can lose your data. "Adopt design" is subjective. You define your own look and feel with custom CSS. This could be a very expensive project. If you want to consider hiring a developer, see https://formidable-masterminds.com/project-application/ and https://formidable-masterminds.com/developers-directory/
Thanks for your reply. I actually not need an API, only manually ad currence exchance when fluctuating to much. I am not sure I understand the part with CSV. Lets say I have 1000 calculators that all have the field "Buy in cost". Based on that value, the selling price are calculated. Lets say those 1000 products has an price update and I recieve new prices in an Excel sheet. Can that be used in order to update the Buy In cost for all 1000 calculators without doing it manually?
You can do all 1,000 at one time if "Buy in cost" is a dynamic field based on a lookup record and all calculators use the same lookup record. If you don't do it that way, you could do it in PHPMyAdmin with SQL, or export in CSV, delete all records, then import after making changes. Those are your options.
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