Hello Honourable House, I have 4 questions Concerning the Job Board After Watching and Implementing the Job Board Tutorials. The Table below details how I want my Job Board to work. Please assist me with the areas marked bold italized, which I have not been able to do.
The Details are Attached. Please I need help with everything in red. My Budget is $100.
If I'm understanding your request correctly, you are asking for help completing your project. This is a lot to ask unpaid community volunteers to undertake. While it's possible that a volunteer developer may be able to help you, you may be better off asking for paid assistance. Please see https://formidable-masterminds.com/developers-directory/ to find available developers. Also, most developers charge upwards of $50/hr or more. Your $100 budget will not buy a lot of time.
Thank you for your reply.
I looked through the directory and contacted two developers. I am yet to hear from them. If they can understand my request, we can conclude from there.
Hi Grace,
my name is Sergio and I have some of the same issues you were having back in Nov. 2022 with FF and creating a Job Board.
May I ask you how you accomplished to get the APPLY Button on the JOB APPLY FORM/VIEW?
I am also new to FF but I have been an IT person for quite sometime already.
If you could help me out, I would greatly appreciate it. Perhaps I can be of help in other things you may have. I am in Miami, FL and I would love to see your wegpage if I may.
Many thanks before hand to you.
Kind regards,
Sergio Henriquez
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Hi Grace,
Good day.
Can we have a quick meeting to discuss your project. From the requirements document, it appears payment processing is a required functionality. So, there are certain nuances that needs to be fleshed out.
Best regards,
ByteCode Labs (https://www.bytecodelabs.in/)
Email: contactbytecodelabs@gmail.com
Hi, I have similar issues with FF and a JOB BOARD project we are creating. Could you please get back to me to discuss my issues and how you may be able to help me/us?
Kind regars,
Sergio Henriquez