Need [auto_id} in a Repeater

By: Michael Clark | Asked: 10/20/2023
ForumsCategory: Paid Help WantedNeed [auto_id} in a Repeater
Michael ClarkMichael Clark asked 1 year ago

In a repeater, I need to auto increment each row in single steps. Each subsequent main entry's repeater needs to pick up where the immediate previous entry left off. So, if the first entry had two lines in it's repeater, the second entry's repeater would start with 3.

Michael ClarkMichael Clark replied 1 year ago

Rob's answer led me in the right direction. It led me back to re-evaluate my goal and come up with a solution that lets me combine a custom entry identifier with row numbers from the repeater in a View. Mashing the two values in a View gives me a simple solution that provides the clarity this little project needed. Thanks, @Rob LeVine!

1 Answers
Best Answer
Rob LeVineRob LeVine Staff answered 1 year ago

I'm pretty sure I've done this before in Javascript, using events such as frmAfterAddRow as  seen in the following example

Victor Font Staff replied 1 year ago

This solution works for a single repeater in an entry. It does not take into account previous entries. You'll have to modify this code to take into account the highest repeater row count in all previous entries if I'm understanding your post correctly Michael.

Michael ClarkMichael Clark replied 1 year ago

Hey, Rob. Thanks for the suggestion. I've gone that route and it doesn't quite do the do.

Michael ClarkMichael Clark replied 1 year ago

Hey, Victor. Appreciate the heads-up. I don't have the chops to find and use the highest repeater row count, hence I was wondering what something like this would cost to get made/ code shared with me.

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