I started with Formidable Forms and I have an issue. I made two forms with a shared custom ID (sequential number) named Kind ID. The second form is based on Look up field and extra information.
Form 1: registration of child name and Kind ID (Viewid 1876)
Form 2: Extra information about the child. (Viewid 1854) I created two Views.
In the detailspage of my Parent view the information of the Child view must be visible with the information of the second form. In my Views in the Backend I see everything displayed, but when I preview the view I see the results in the listing page, but no entries on the detailpage. Also when the views are live.... What am I doing wrong? Please assist, because It took already a lot of time.... I followed all the steps of https://formidableforms.com/knowledgebase/advanced-view-concepts/#kb-set-up-a-nested-view
Regards, Jeroen
I can provide wp-admin acces I need to develop a CRM system and I am stuck in the beginning. This could be the start with a small fee ending up in a big project.