Rob Levine - Victor, Can you help?

By: Alan Kindree | Asked: 01/11/2024
ForumsCategory: Paid Help WantedRob Levine - Victor, Can you help?
Alan KindreeAlan Kindree asked 1 year ago

Hi Rob, Our nonprofit is having a problem connecting an action to the PayPal IPN.  We were supposed to debute our software today at the Atlanta Boat Show for a First Responders Boat Parade.  We are stuck at home instead.  What would you charge to help us troubleshoot? Cheers Alan Kindree CEO Atlanta Volunteers 678 697 6566

1 Answers
Victor Font Staff answered 1 year ago

Hey Alan,I haven't been online for a few days because I've been focused on publishing "The Art & Soul of Software Portability." I didn't see this post addressed to Rob and I until this morning.Did you get this resolved? 

Alan KindreeAlan Kindree replied 1 year ago

No. I can appreciate getting involved in a project! For some reason the global settings will not save the changes to PayPal. That might be one problem, the other one is getting a field to change during the ipn notice from PayPal. I followed the tutorial.
The Art & Soul sure sounds like what I have been trying for years. We have been talking for years about this project and you have helped me many times along the way. I am truly appreciative of your help throughout the years!

How should I ask for your help? It would be at least a couple of weeks before I get caught up enough to pay something. I have no problem giving you my login and password but you would see way too many pages and forms on my progression to learn. My site is a mess.
What is a secure way to send my login and password if you would like to help? I would give you the specific form I am working on as the last form #is around 1100. I learn by mistakes, so I guess I am a genius!

Alan KindreeAlan Kindree replied 1 year ago is my email for this site.

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