Send Custom PDF as an Attachment

By: Barbara Smith | Asked: 04/29/2024
ForumsCategory: General questionsSend Custom PDF as an Attachment
Barbara Smith asked 4 months ago
Hoping someone here can help me as writing code is waaaaayyyy over my head.  I have multiple forms and have created views for custom PDF attachments for each form.  I want to use the custom PDF layout as the attachment PDF on the emails to both the Admin and the Applicant.  I found the below code that works for one form ID and one view ID but I have no clue how to make it work for more than one or if there is a simpler way to do this so that I don't have to edit the functions file every time I add a new form.  Here's what I'm using (I'm guessing the part that I bolded is the part that I need to adjust somehow?): // Apply a Formidable Forms view for the attached PDF in email
add_filter( 'frm_pdfs_email_attachment_args', 'add_view_to_attached_pdf', 10, 2 );
function add_view_to_attached_pdf( $pdf_args, $args ) {
if($args['form']->id ==5) { //change 5 to the ID of the form
$pdf_args['view'] = 2; // ID of view.
$pdf_args['id'] = $args['entry']->id; // Do this to show the detail view, otherwise, it shows the listing view.
return $pdf_args;
//Customize the PDF Name
add_filter( 'frm_pdfs_email_attachment_args', 'change_attached_pdf_file_name', 10, 2 );
function change_attached_pdf_file_name( $pdf_args, $args ) {
// Use the actual numeric field ID here instead of 'field_id'
$field_id = 1; // This is the ID of the field you want to include in the filename

$field_value = ''; // Default to an empty string if the field value is not found
if ( isset( $args['entry']->metas[$field_id] ) ) {
$field_value = $args['entry']->metas[$field_id]; // Fetch the field value
// Append the field value to the filename
$pdf_args['filename'] = 'Stuff-' . $field_value; // Change 'Stuff-' to anything you want
return $pdf_args;
} I've tried following the knowledge base guidelines but they didn't work for me at all hence the reason I'm using the above code.  Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks.
2 Answers
Best Answer
Bobby Clapp answered 4 months ago

Barbara Smith replied 4 months ago

Thank you. I sorted it out finally using the below code which seems to be working for now. I appreciate you taking the time to help me.

add_filter( 'frm_pdfs_email_attachment_args', 'add_view_to_attached_pdf', 10, 2 );
function add_view_to_attached_pdf( $pdf_args, $args ) {
$args_set = false;
switch($args['form']->id) {
case 6:
$pdf_args['view'] = 554;
$args_set = true;
case 7:
$pdf_args['view'] = 574;
$args_set = true;
if ($args_set) {
$pdf_args['id'] = $args['entry']->id; // Do this to show the detail view, otherwise, it shows the listing view.
return $pdf_args;

Bobby Clapp answered 4 months ago

You have a couple of options if you're wanting to do this over multiple forms/views.

Learn about and implement php arrays and foreach loops:

Or have a filter for each form/view (not the non-unique function names). For example:
add_filter( 'frm_pdfs_email_attachment_args_form10_view5', 'add_view_to_attached_pdf_form10_view5', 10, 2 );
add_filter( 'frm_pdfs_email_attachment_args_form12_view8', 'add_view_to_attached_pdf_form12_view8', 10, 2 );

Barbara Smith replied 4 months ago

Hi Bobby - thanks for trying to help me. I changed the code to the below to where I guessed I should for my form ID's and View ID's but it's giving me this error:

Syntax error, unexpected 'add_view_to_attached_pdf_form6' (T_STRING), expecting ')'

I changed the code you gave me to:

add_filter( 'frm_pdfs_email_attachment_args_form6_view554’, 'add_view_to_attached_pdf_form6_view554’, 10, 2 );
add_filter( 'frm_pdfs_email_attachment_args_form7_view574’, 'add_view_to_attached_pdf_form7_view574’, 10, 2 );
function add_view_to_attached_pdf( $pdf_args, $args ) {
if($args['form']->id ==6) { //change 5 to the ID of the form
$pdf_args['view'] = 554; // ID of view.
$pdf_args['id'] = $args['entry']->id; // Do this to show the detail view, otherwise, it shows the listing view.
return $pdf_args;


Entirely possible I made a mistake. I was really hoping that using this plugin would mean I wouldn't have to know how to write code 🙂

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