Is it possible to export to PDF a list view that has been filtered? I can export a full list, and I can export a detailed view, but when I try to filter a list view and then export it, I either get a 500 Internal server error, or I get the full list of data. Any options available? Thanks!
Before there was a PDF add-on, I used jQuery to allow users to print PDFs of filtered views using the native PDF functions built into all modern browsers. You can do the same with graphs. This is what I use:
Hey Victor, that is exactly what I was needing, except I am having trouble implementing. I've installed all correct items, but the step of importing it into my project is throwing an error. This is the command:
import print from 'print-js'
and the error is:
import: unable to open X server `' @ error/import.c/ImportImageCommand/344.
Have you run across anything like this? It looks very straight forward so I think I'm missing something simple. Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!
Hey Victor, I keep trying to send you further information about this, but I keep getting locked out of the site with a CloudFlare security message. May I direct message you?
The CloudFlare issue is something you should report to Strategy 11 support. I see it once in awhile also, but I see it on many sites that use CloudFlare. We community volunteers have nothing to do with this site's maintenance. We only answer questions as time and experience permit.
I have no idea what that error is. I've never seen it before, You should contact the print.js developers for assistance.
While some people contact me directly through this site's Messages button, I'm more readily reachable through the Formidable Masterminds Facebook group. However, you should know, that apart from what I do as a community volunteer, I charge for any time i spend on projects outside of the community volunteerism. If you want to discuss a project, please book an appointment:
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