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Community Forums

ForumsAuthor "Shawn"
Link in email to accept a quote
AnsweredVictor Font answered 1 year ago • 
254 views1 answers0 votes
Calculate as a currency with default just $, not CAD
AnsweredRob LeVineRob LeVine answered 1 year ago • 
218 views1 answers0 votes
Tables in a detail page view
AnsweredShawn Fawcett commented 1 year ago • 
524 views1 answers0 votes
Setting and calling a variable in a view
AnsweredShawn Fawcett commented 1 year ago • 
186 views1 answers0 votes
multiple forms for the same entries?
AnsweredShawn Fawcett commented 1 year ago • 
328 views1 answers0 votes
favicons, colors and other styling choices for a user
ClosedShawn Fawcett asked 2 years ago • 
1326 views0 answers0 votes
Dynamically create a page/langing page
AnsweredBobby Clapp answered 2 years ago • 
344 views1 answers0 votes
Mailchimp no longer working
ResolvedShawn Fawcett asked 2 years ago • 
492 views0 answers0 votes
Online estimate. Results in an email or view
AnsweredBobby Clapp answered 2 years ago • 
1065 views1 answers0 votes
Conditionals with AND not working
AnsweredBobby Clapp answered 2 years ago • 
1177 views1 answers0 votes
Form redirect to url AND with a message
ResolvedShawn Fawcett asked 2 years ago • 
894 views0 answers0 votes
lookup an ID and edit 1 field
ResolvedVictor Font answered 2 years ago • 
485 views1 answers0 votes
Showing messages conditionally on a page based on a query param
AnsweredVictor Font answered 2 years ago • 
375 views1 answers0 votes
Show a single entry in a view filtered in the URL
ResolvedVictor Font answered 2 years ago • 
993 views1 answers0 votes
tracking a page with a form on it and triggering an event
ResolvedBobby Clapp answered 2 years ago • 
497 views1 answers0 votes
Seeding an ID to start at something other than 1?
ResolvedShawn Fawcett answered 2 years ago • 
602 views3 answers0 votes

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