After auto-populating a repeater, changes I make inside the repeater fields afterwards are not saved except for the auto-populated fields.

By: Bright Madire | Asked: 10/25/2023
ForumsCategory: General questionsAfter auto-populating a repeater, changes I make inside the repeater fields afterwards are not saved except for the auto-populated fields.
Bright Madire asked 11 months ago

Hi everyone. I would appreciate your help on a certain issue which I have. After auto-populating a repeater, changes I make inside the repeater fields afterwards are not saved except for the auto-populated fields. I am using the code below to auto-populate:  


add_filter('frm_setup_new_fields_vars', 'frm_auto_populate_repeating_fields', 20, 2);
function frm_auto_populate_repeating_fields( $values, $field ) {
if ( $field->id == 331 && isset($_GET['request']) && $_GET['frm_page'] != 2 ) {
$source_entry_id = intval($_GET['request']);


$url = ''.$source_entry_id;
$entryData = getRequest($url);


$entryArray = json_decode($entryData, TRUE);
$procuredItems = $entryArray['meta']['procured_items'];


$first_field = 320;
$second_field = 323;
$third_field = 322;


$values[ 'value' ] = array(
'form' => '10',
'row_ids' => array( implode(', ', range(0, count($entryArray['meta']['procured_items']) - 2)) ),


$i = 1;
foreach($procuredItems as $key=>$value) {
if ($key != "form"){
$title = $value['procured_item_name'];
$quantity = $value['procured_item_quantity'];
$desc = $value['procured_item_description'];


$values[ 'value' ][$i-1] = array( 0 => '', $first_field => $value['procured_item_name'], $second_field => $value['procured_item_quantity'], $third_field => $value['procured_item_description'] );


$i += 1;
return $values;

Attached is an image of the form showing other fields I would like to fill manually but they're being saved as empty even after I enter something!

1 Answers
Best Answer
Bright Madire answered 11 months ago
Updating the if statement to the one below helped to stop the continuous auto-populating. if ( $field->id == 331 && isset($_GET['request']) && !isset($_POST['item_meta'][331]) )  

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