Hi Victor. What I'm going for is controlling the visibility of the form pagination buttons.
You'll have to do this with custom CSS/jQuery. Even though the Next and Previous buttons are actual submit buttons, Formidable's conditional options for the Submit button only apply to the button with the class frm_final_submit.
I see. Have you done this before? If so, do you have code snippets you'd care to share/sell? B)
I've written tons of jQuery/CSS. Every situation is unique and I don't have any snippets to share. If I haven't published snippets on Formidable Masterminds, then I don't have a snippet to sell either. This is what you need to use: https://api.jquery.com/hide/
You target the element with $("#element-id"). Change "#element-id" to the id of your target element. This shouldn't take more than 10-lines of code. Takes all of about 5-minutes to write.
Wonderful! Thanks for the assist, Victor. If i get this running, I'll post it here and in snippets. I can imagine with a couple of code comments it's something that could be a decent utility for a few use cases 🙂
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