Conditions On Form Actions Using Radio Button Field With Separate Values

By: Michael Clark | Asked: 08/20/2022
ForumsCategory: General questionsConditions On Form Actions Using Radio Button Field With Separate Values
Michael ClarkMichael Clark asked 2 years ago

Quick question:
When setting conditions on form actions based on radio buttons with separate values, do we use the labels of the field options or the values of the field options?
1.)  Email action: Condition: Do this if radio button field equals Label
2.) Email action: Condition: Do this if radio button field equals Value

1 Answers
Best Answer
Victor Font Staff answered 2 years ago

Conditionals work with entry values, not form labels. Your conditional should test the value. The labels aren't part of the entry.

Michael ClarkMichael Clark replied 2 years ago

Thank you, Victor.

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