Fire risk assessment template

By: Michael Peake | Asked: 09/05/2023
ForumsCategory: General questionsFire risk assessment template
Michael Peake asked 1 year ago

Hi all can anybody point me in the right direction please, I am trying to compile a fire risk assessment should I use a survey template? I will need to give each question a value depending on the answer so I can generate an overall score. In addition to this, I am hoping to be able to compile an action plan from my answers to tasks that need to be carried out by the client. Do you think I could do this within formidable or would I need a developer perhaps?

1 Answers
Victor Font Staff answered 1 year ago

Your project requirements will be met well with a survey. Formidable can calculate math as you fill in the survey and display the result. Whether you need a developer or not depends on how complex the math is. If it's too complex, you may need some custom code to make it work.

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