Formidable Update to 6.1 Broke all Redirection Confirmation Forms - Just a Heads Up

By: Mark Hansen | Asked: 02/24/2023
ForumsCategory: General questionsFormidable Update to 6.1 Broke all Redirection Confirmation Forms - Just a Heads Up
Mark HansenMark Hansen asked 2 years ago
Hey All - Just a heads up to let you know to be careful when updating the free version of Formidable Forms from 6.0 to 6.1. I am an FP Elite user but the standard plugin is required and it broke the redirect portion of the forms on one of our sites.

We use FP to gather a zip code from the user on very simple forms throughout the website. We have +300 of these simple forms, since we have to track a taskID along with the zip code submission to a second form, which gathers the users information.

All of these simple forms started displaying the standard "Success" message versus redirecting to the second page as intended.  I have an open ticket with the Formidable Team on this as well, but wanted to warn against it in case you have the same type of form setup, and automatic updates enabled in WP. Thanks, Mark
Steve WellsSteve Wells replied 2 years ago

6.1.1 should fix this issue. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Mark HansenMark Hansen replied 2 years ago

Thanks, Steve - That fixed the issue for sure. Great support from the team as always.

2 Answers
Chris Harrison answered 2 years ago
Many problems with the new ver.. :whut: 
Chris Harrison answered 2 years ago
Many problems with the new ver.. :whut: 

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