Hi together,
i have an form that`s stores multiple values as usermeta.
Now i wnt too be prefiled a chackbox section with this usermeta....
Form1 > stores values as single or comma separated usermeta
and so on....
Form2 > gets values from usermeta Sports
and so on....
i`ve tryed to set the Default Value of the checkboxes in Form2 with Smarttag [usermeta key="Sports"] but it`s doesn`t work... where is my mistake ?
regards Sven
A little hard to follow your question, but usermeta comes from the user profile of the wordpress user. Are you saying that your trying to bring data from 1 form into another? Or from the users profile?
okay sorry for my bad explanation....
i`ll try to load checkboxes with userdata usermeta values
The data are stored as single value like
or multiple values
Sport1, Sport2, Sport3
and with this values i want to prechecked one or multiple Checkboxes with the [usermeta key="UserMetaKey"]
but it`s not working
Having looked into the problem, I can confirm that if the responses are stored in user_meta and the choices/values in the checkboxes/database contain commas, the pre-filling of fields will not work.
For example, these choices/values will work:
Yes I would like to take part in the event
No I don't want to take part in the event
But these choices will not work:
Yes, I would like to take part in the event
No, I don't want to take part in the event
I really hope this is of use to someone, I've wasted a lot of time finding out where the bug came from.
Line breaks are not interpreted in replies to this forum, I had to insert br tag manually.
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