redirect after login

By: Mohammed Tahibur Alom | Asked: 08/03/2023
ForumsCategory: General questionsredirect after login
Mohammed Tahibur Alom asked 2 years ago

I wanted to know how can I display a specific page or form after the user logs in.

I am using the formidable login form. Login works.

Currently after a user enters the email/password I am displayed with a blank page showing the word logout

I want to show a specific page or form for a logged in user.

Is this possible?

4 Answers
Walter JonesWalter Jones answered 2 years ago

Are you wanting to do this dynamically or are all your users going to different pages?  There are numerous plugins in wordpress that will allow you to set up something like this.  

Mohammed Tahibur Alom replied 2 years ago

Same page for everyone. So after they enter their email and passsord and press login, it should load a page e.g. About Us page

Jay Mac answered 2 years ago

Are you using formidable's login - this is on a separate page as a shortcode  this redirects fine

[frm-login label_remember="Remember Me" label_log_in="Signin" label_username= "Email" username_placeholder="Personal Email" password_placeholder="Password" class="frm_style_main-form-entry-style" class_lost_password=".frm_style_forgotpassword" show_lost_password="1" show_labels="1"

Mohammed Tahibur Alom replied 2 years ago

Yes im using the formidable login shortcode. Currently my shortcode is


Are you saying i should just change that to what you've written above?

Thank you

Jay Mac replied 2 years ago

I'm saying that is what I use and the redirect works

Mohammed Tahibur Alom replied 2 years ago

that worked perfectly, thank you very much for your support.

Any chance do you know how do I create a logout button/shortcode that I can add anywhere on the page?

Jay Mac answered 2 years ago

I'm using  the plugin Shortcode in Menus  and it has a sign out link pre-made in the menu for logged-in users only

Jay Mac replied 2 years ago

This is only in the menu - not sure about creating a separate button to be placed anywhere. There is value in placing that logout link in the same place for user satisfaction and that encourages them to actually sign out without searching for that button. With challenges in browser caching it is beneficial to complete a logout instead of just leaving the site through the browser

Jordan Martell answered 2 years ago

This all makes perfect sense to me, but I cannot figure out why when someone tries to login into my page, even with using the short code above, it takes them to a Wordpress login screen and tells them their username and password is not recognized... Any thoughts on that would be hugely helpful. 

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