entry on Formidable form not visible

By: Diane Lublinski | Asked: 03/14/2023
ForumsCategory: How-toentry on Formidable form not visible
Diane LublinskiDiane Lublinski asked 2 years ago

Recently, when form is filled out on my web site, the type is not visible.  I cannot figure out how to correct this.

Bobby Clapp Staff replied 2 years ago

Type? Like what they type in the boxes is not visible, but there?

Diane LublinskiDiane Lublinski replied 2 years ago

Yes, all of a sudden, when I have had this form on my web site for some time without this problem. After hours of clicking I figured it out. The font color was changed to white (same as background) so it did not show up. I changed it and voila, its fixed. The mystery is...I don't know why this happened.

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