Hello, I have designed a PDF certificate using the Certificate app. I have also created one entry by uploading a csv. How do I now export the actual certificate as a PDF, and not just the form submission details? How would I send the actual certificate to the recipient (or any test recipient) via email?
Thank you.
What is the certificate app? Are you talking about formidable forms pdf addon?
I would start here:https://formidableforms.com/knowledgebase/pdfs/
You can now design a view and export it as a pdf with a simple link.
Thank you for the correction; 'Certificate' is actually an Application Template. I will visit the link you provided and try to find the solution I need (which is to export a designed view). Thank you.
I have watched the video and followed the prompts but unfortunately all I am able to do is export the data in a tabular form, and not the certificate which I designed.
Did you use a visual grid view to make it? That’s what i would use. Then use this code to produce it. [frm-pdf view="10" id="12" public="1"] replace 10 with your view ID and 12 with [id] so it’s dynamic.
Thank you. Yes I used a visual grid view to make the layout and I had no problem with the design. Produced a nice layout of a certificate and used all the required fields I needed. I am also able to see the populated certificate when I click on 'View', so no problem with that.
The code I have now used is [frm-pdf view="2766" id="[id]" public="1"] but I am still not able to export the certificate as a PDF. How do I even send a test email?